Liv's Story: You chose "Not Tell"...

This is an interactive story. You will make difficult choices that will shape Liv's life.
Telling seemed impossible. It was such a long time ago now. It seemed ridiculous to keep dwelling on something that had happened months ago. Besides, NCEA exams were coming up and Liv had to do better this time.

School never did get much better, but Liv found other things to interest her. She started an Instagram account and had heaps of followers, looked after her brother more, and babysat two nights a week.

Keeping busy kept her mind occupied. Sometimes being alone was difficult, but having Spotify playing helped and she often fell asleep watching Netflix. Gradually, she managed to push the thoughts of her dad to the back of her mind.

Liv got a boyfriend when she was 20. She had met Josh at Uni. He wasn’t like the other boys she had known – he wasn’t into being a macho man and she really felt like he needed her as much as she needed him.

The trouble was, every time they had sex, she hated it. As soon as Josh touched her, she would feel herself stiffen and pull away. She found herself thinking of all kinds of ways to get to bed before or after him so she wouldn’t have to have sex that night. She felt really bad about herself. In movies, sex was always so exciting. There must be something wrong with her.

Josh was understanding, but she knew it was different for him too. She tried harder to like it but it never worked. Instead, she would lie in bed and wish it were over.

Keeping busy didn’t seem to work anymore. Everything seemed like too much effort. She wished she could stay in bed all day.

Sometimes she even wished she could go to sleep at night and never wake up in the morning.

Liv's story doesn't have to end this way.

You can help her make different choices. START AGAIN